
A. V. Schäffenberg: Through us, Commander Lincoln Rockwell lives!


A man's life is his noblest work. And if his work is carried on by those who survive him, he is not truly dead. Through us, Rockwell lives!

George Lincoln Rockwell made every living National Socialist and those yet unborn incomparably richer for his having lived. He single-handedly lifted our banner from the ashes of Berlin into the skies of America. He represented our Idea in so personable, professional and winning a fashion, he made us proud to be a part of his struggle. We are honored to accept his legacy. In his name, sanctified by the blood of self-sacrifice, we shall use it to the fullest advantage!

Ernst Zündel: The Hitler We Loved and Why


In a single will is bound the might
Of millions living, millions dead.
In a single Faith is joined the force
Of countless million anxious souls.
In a single hand the warm salute
From joyful throngs of outstretched hands;
In a single fist the bold demand
Of endless ranks of hardened fists;
In a single heart the storm and light
Of all a people's fearless hearts.
With the thund'ring might of pealing bells
His voice resounds throughout the world.
The world will listen...

Gerhard Schumann (translated from the German by Luther Williams)

At no time in recorded history has a leader, a wielder of power in human terms, not as popular figurehead or celebrity, had such a closeness to his followers, his entire people, as did Adolf Hitler. It can only be called a love relationship...

Dr. William Pierce: George Lincoln Rockwell, A National Socialist Life


On the 18th of June, 1945, a little over 6 weeks after the death of Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess wrote the following words in a letter to his wife, from his prison cell:

You will readily imagine how often during the last few weeks my thoughts have turned to the years gone by: to this quarter of a century of history, concentrated for us in one name and full of the most wonderful human experiences. History is not ended. It will sooner or later take up the threads apparently broken off forever and knit them together in a new pattern.

"Adolf Hitler, You Knew Him, What was He Like?" - General Léon Degrelle's memories


I have been asked that question a thousand times since 1945, and nothing is more difficult to answer.

Approximately 2000 books have dealt with the Second World War and with its central figure, Adolf Hitler. But has the real Hitler been discovered by any of them? "The enigma of Hitler is beyond all human comprehension" the left-wing German weekly 'Die Zeit' once put it.

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