
Polish Nationalist Party have Doubled its Support


Poland's far-right New Right Congress has almost doubled its support in a month,

a poll showed on Monday, riding a Europe-wide rise of anti-EU movements to become the country's third-placed party. Any sustained rise could alter the political arithmetic a year before national elections, as backing for the government slips and the conservative opposition looks for a coalition partner. New Right Congress's 71-year-old leader Janusz Korwin-Mikke has said Adolph Hitler was probably not aware of the Holocaust.

Support for his party rose to 11 percent, according to the survey conducted on June 27-28 by pollster Homo Homini, up from six percent a month earlier. The rise saw it overtake the leftist SLD party.

The governing Civic Platform (PO) group lost more ground after the publication of leaked remarks by senior officials that have embarrassed the government.

Its support fell to 24 percent, two percentage points down from a month earlier, while the second-placed conservative opposition Law and Justice (PiS) party gained two points to reach 32 percent, according to the poll published in the Rzeczpospolita daily.

New Right Congress won four seats in last month's European Parliament election, but has no seats in the national parliament.

If Korwin-Mikke translates his current support into seats in the Polish parliament in the next election, scheduled for late 2015, he could form a viable coalition with Law and Justice and other conservative groups.

Korwin-Mikke has declared his willingness to cooperate with PiS, though the larger party has not said if it could work with him.

France's far-right National Front and the Freedom Party, from the Netherlands, failed to form an Eurosceptic block in the European Parliament last week after ruling out collaborating with New Right Congress.

(Reporting by Marcin Goclowski; Editing by Andrew Heavens)


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