Poland: A Young Woman’s Adventures with a Hardcore Nationalist Organization (VIDEO)
Here we have an extremely attractive, and intelligent, young Polish woman,
who speaks of her journey into the rapidly rising far-right political movement in her struggling nation. During the course of several months, nineteen year old Paulina offered to share her most intimate daily thoughts and actions with a reporter and camera crew from Britain’s borderline-Marxist publication The Guardian, mainly focusing on an unsuccessful campaign for a seat on her hometown’s local council.
While her bid for a position of authority did not come to fruition, and young Paulina seems wavering at the end of video number two, we are allowed a surprisingly balanced, at least for this first half video, look into the social, political, and racial worldview of Poland’s National Radical Camp organization, which can be accurately and positively described as gritty, realistic, and to the point.
We hear the Jew being named as a parasite unworthy of residence inside Europe, while leaders of the Nationalist party, and those from allied groups, call for Polish nationals to return to their homeland as part of a long-term process of rebuilding.
Ideological, physical fitness, and weapons training are also experienced during the course of the analysis; all essential for keeping morale and strength high among youth so easily led astray by those who wish them harm.
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