National Socialist Movement Readies For Race Riot
The Trayvon Martin case has created a racially-charged environment in Sanford, Florida.
Not only have Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson used it as an excuse to stir the embers of anti-White hatred, but Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has threatened to apply "the law of retaliation", and the New Black Panther Party has circulated a "wanted dead or alive" poster for George Zimmerman. The New Black Liberation Militia has sought to perform a citizen's arrest on Zimmerman, who has found it necessary to move out of his house to escape possible vigilante justice. All are upset over the fact that Zimmerman has not been charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin. The National Socialist Movement decided enough was enough, and has now provided a boots-on-the-ground response in the area.
Russian Nationalists Unite to Form New Party
A number of prominent Russian nationalists united to announce the creation of a potential new political force—the National Democratic Party.
"We intend to file for party registration in the near future and then take part in elections, at which we are counting on doing well," party leader Konstantin Krylov told journalists at a downtown Moscow news conference. Russia has seen a dramatic rise in nationalist sentiments since the break-up of the Soviet Union, with far-right movements prominent at this winter’s mass protests against the policies of President-elect Vladimir Putin and his ruling United Russia party.
White Pride Worldwide Day In Canada
Two separate groups of White racialists stage White Pride rallies in different parts of Canada on March 24th, 2012 as a commemoration of White Pride Worldwide Day, as well as a White response to the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination which actually occurs on March 21st.
One group of at least 24 rallied in Edmonton, while another group delivered the message in London. Media sources include 660 News, CTV Edmonton, and Global Edmonton (with non-embeddable news video). The CBC and the Edmonton Journal have the most complete stories. A Stormfront thread provides more information and perspective.
15 Year Old Girl In A Cast Is Attacked For Being White
A fifteen year old white female was looking for lost dog when a pair of black female thugs vicious attacked her. The thugs told her that whites were not allowed in their neighborhood.
They beat her even though she was wearing a cast. Notice the media and police are downplaying the savage hate crime. If the races were reversed, this would be a major news story. Can you imagine the media fallout if a teenage black girl in a cast was attacked for being black and the local police sargent said "it sounds like a kid thing."
Man Arrested For "Racist" Tweets in Britain
A man has been arrested after allegedly making "racist remarks" (?) on Twitter relating to critically ill footballer Fabrice Muamba.
The 21-year-old man from Pontypridd, south Wales, was arrested on Sunday. Muamba, 23, is fighting for his life in hospital after suffering a heart attack and collapsing during an FA Cup tie. The Bolton Wanderers midfielder fell to the ground during the live televised match against Tottenham Hotspur at the London team’s White Hart Lane ground.
Klan Member Shaun Winkler Running For Bonner Sheriff
Another White racial activist is running for elective office. The Coeur d'Alene Press reports that Shaun Patrick Winkler, identified as a member of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, wants to become Bonner County Sheriff.
First, Winkler must get past incumbent Sheriff Daryl Wheeler and Ponderay Police Officer Tim Fry for the Republican nomination on May 15th. If he survives that contest, he would face independent Rocky Jordan in the November general election. Winkler is concerned about the increasing federal reach into Bonner County, and has a zero-tolerance attitude towards drugs and sex offenders.
Waffen SS Veterans March in Riga
Hundreds of Waffen SS veterans and their supporters held a march in the Latvian capital Riga to mark Legionnaire's Day, which commemorates Latvians who fought for the freedom during World War II.
Anti-fascist organizations all over the world decry the controversial event. But the annual holiday has its defenders, including Latvian President Andris Berzins, who has argued it is foolish to assume that Waffen SS veterans were criminals and that they deserve the public's respect.
South Africa Project Protesters Confronted By Antifa In Sacramento
The South Africa Project, organized to promote awareness of genocide against Whites by the black supremacist South African government, held rallies at a number of locations on February 27th, 2012.
While the South African government on the surface appears to respect the rights of Whites, there is a sustained campaign of murders of individual White farmers, and ANC Youth Leader Julius Malema has been pushing for Zimbabwe-style confiscation of land from White farmers. The most prominent of the rallies was in Sacramento, California.
Supreme White Alliance Activists Confronted By Anti-Racists
The rally was in opposition to the Un-Fair Campaign, which has targeted Whites as being exclusively responsible for racism.
The first reports on the White Unity Rally in Duluth, Minnesota on March 3rd, 2012 have been published by the Duluth News-Tribune and Northlands News Center and Minnesota Public Radio, and it appears that while the rally started at its appointed 10 A.M. time, ten White activists associated with the Supreme White Alliance who showed up were confronted by as many as 70 anti-racist counter-protesters.
Reality Knocking At The Left’s Door With Turkish Baseball Bats
If an anti-fascist multiculturalist is threatened, blackmailed, and attacked by Muslims, will he become schizophrenic? Reality knocking at the Left’s door — with baseball bats.
In the Berlin district of Wedding a Leftist housing project has been attacked by immigrants of Turkish origin. The anti-fascists do not quite know how to respond: "They are neither Nazis nor cops, so the usual activist methods are not applicable."
Czech Republic: Eight Years Loss of Freedom for Flyers
Czech police say they have started criminal proceedings against 15 women believed to be been part of a women’s national socialist organization.
The special police squad for dealing with organized crime (ÚOOZ) said that the women, aged between 21 and 32, participated in and helped to propagate the ideas of the Resistance Women Unity (RWU) movement, the non-registered women’s offshoot of the right wing group National Resistance (Národní odpor).
Day of Honour Memorial 2012 in Budapest
Thanks to the preliminary hysteria of the infected press, the participants were accompanied by the police’s increased attention.
Even though the police were present, they left the program to run it's course so the commemoration took place with dignity and discipline according to the spirit of the brave heroes. The present Hungarian and foreign - primarily German - comrade’s speeches and the inspiring military marches gave an opportunity to bow our heads and remember. They spoke: Béla Incze (HVIM), German and Croatian comrades, Zsolt Tyirityán (Betyársereg), János Lantos (PHM), Tamás Szabó (NFP).
NSM Nationals and March on Frankfort, Kentucky
Comrades, Party Members, and Supporters,
The National Socialist Movement is sponsoring a March and rally at the State Capitol building in Frankfort, Kentucky on Saturday April 21st of 2012. Illegal immigration, crime, the recession, White Civil Rights, and other critical issues facing our Nation will be addressed at this event. Our Nation is in serious decline. It is up to the citizens of this great land to rise up and reclaim our destiny! This event is sponsored by NSM HQ and NSM Kentucky Chapters, and open to all known Patriots and White Civil Rights activists. To attend this event make contact with NSM Kentucky today at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or NSM East Kentucky: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Please forward to all known Patriots and post on Forum Boards, etc.)
J.T. Ready Runs for Pinal County Sheriff
J.T. Ready has reportedly set his sights on becoming an Arizona sheriff. "This is a white European homeland," Ready said at an NSM rally in 2009.
J.T. is a leader of the U.S. Border Guard, a group of volunteers who patrol the U.S.-Mexico border against illegal immigration. He is seeking to become the next sheriff of Arizona's Pinal County now that Sheriff Paul Babeu plans to run for Congress. He has filed paperwork to form an exploratory committee and began communicating with potential supporters on his campaign's Facebook page.